Ep. 36 Behind the Scenes of the MongoDB Podcast
This is a podcast episode titled, Ep. 36 Behind the Scenes of the MongoDB Podcast. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode, we take a look back at what we accomplished over the course of the year. We launched the MongoDB Podcast shortly after the start of the new year. We thought we'd take an episode and share some of the things we learned, and the tools we leveraged during the process of launching the show. Here's an abbreviated list of some of the tools. None of these tools have provided compensation or sponsorship. </p> <ul> <li><a href="https://libsyn.com">https://libsyn.com</a> - Podcast Hosting Service</li> <li><a href="https://rev.com">https://rev.com</a> - Transcription Service</li> <li><a href="https://zencastr.com">https://zencastr.com</a> - Web-based Recording Service</li> <li><a href= "https://www.audacityteam.org">https://www.audacityteam.org</a> - Free, Open Source Audio Software</li> <li><a href="https://www.reaper.fm/">https://www.reaper.fm</a> - Digital Audio Production Software</li> <li><a href= "https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/at2020">https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/at2020</a> - Microphone</li> <li><a href= "https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm7b">https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm7b</a> - Microphone</li> <li><a href= "https://www.cloudmicrophones.com/cloudlifter-cl-1">https://www.cloudmicrophones.com/cloudlifter-cl-1</a> - Audio Pre-amp / Booster</li> <li><a href= "https://focusrite.com/en/usb-audio-interface/scarlett/scarlett-4i4"> https://focusrite.com/en/usb-audio-interface/scarlett/scarlett-4i4</a> - XLR Interface and Pre-amp</li> </ul>
In this episode, we take a look back at what we accomplished over the course of the year. We launched the MongoDB Podcast shortly after the start of the new year. We thought we'd take an episode and share some of the things we learned, and the tools we leveraged during the process of launching the show. Here's an abbreviated list of some of the tools. None of these tools have provided compensation or sponsorship.
- https://libsyn.com - Podcast Hosting Service
- https://rev.com - Transcription Service
- https://zencastr.com - Web-based Recording Service
- https://www.audacityteam.org - Free, Open Source Audio Software
- https://www.reaper.fm - Digital Audio Production Software
- https://www.audio-technica.com/en-us/at2020 - Microphone
- https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/sm7b - Microphone
- https://www.cloudmicrophones.com/cloudlifter-cl-1 - Audio Pre-amp / Booster
- https://focusrite.com/en/usb-audio-interface/scarlett/scarlett-4i4 - XLR Interface and Pre-amp