Ep. 147 Mobile Makers: Made with Matt
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This is a podcast episode titled, Ep. 147 Mobile Makers: Made with Matt. The summary for this episode is: <p>The Mobile Makers series - In this week's episode, Matt Frances, joins us to talk about his pathway into development and how he built an iOS app both to learn and also to open doors into his development career. Matt used the Realm SDK to persist local data on device for his Bookshelf Book Tracker App.</p><p><br></p><p>We also introduce the Developer Relations Weekly update.</p>
The Mobile Makers series - In this week's episode, Matt Frances, joins us to talk about his pathway into development and how he built an iOS app both to learn and also to open doors into his development career. Matt used the Realm SDK to persist local data on device for his Bookshelf Book Tracker App.
We also introduce the Developer Relations Weekly update. You can follow MongoDB on Dev.to - https://dev.to/mongodb
Matt's Bookshelf App - https://mattfrances.github.io/BookshelfLandingPage/
Matt's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@MadeWithMatt
Matt on Twitter - https://twitter.com/madewithmatt
Today's Host

Shane McAllister
|Lead, Developer Advocacy

Michael Lynn
|Principal Developer Advocate
Today's Guests

Matt Frances