Ep. 85 Tech Conferences with Nancy Monaghan and Dorothy McClelland
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Here we are in November of 2021. The pandemic continues to impact the way we’re all working, doing business and connecting with other people.
One powerful way that technologists from all industries have connected is through attendance at conferences. I’m no different… I find attending a good tech conference to be a valuable part of my continuing education. From large scale conferences like the Consumer Electronics Show, and AWS Re:invent, to language-aligned conferences like Gophercon, and PyCon.
I go because it’s an opportunity to meet professionals and gain valuable perspective… and learn about the latest updates from vendors and technology providers.
On today's episode, we’re focusing on Tech Events and Conferences and to help guide a discussion about this and about the changing landscape of tech events throughout the pandemic, I’ve invited two of my highly esteemed colleagues from MongoDB’s amazing Events Management team… Nancy Monaghan and Dorothy McClelland.
If you’re a technologist interested in the new and exciting ways, we at MongoDB are approaching hybrid conferences or if you’re considering changes to the way you run and host events, this episode is for you.