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MongoDB Update - December 21 - MongoDB.Live Call for Speakers

This is a podcast episode titled, MongoDB Update - December 21 - MongoDB.Live Call for Speakers. The summary for this episode is: <p>The Conference is happening July 13-14, 2021 and the Call for Speakers is Open! Get your talk ready. </p> <div id="left-column" class="col-md-6 animated fadeInLeft"> <div class="ibox float-e-margins"> <div class="ibox-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <p> is where the world’s fastest-growing data community comes to connect, explore, and learn. We have not yet determined a final date and will provide you with updates as they become available.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="right-column" class="col-md-6 animated fadeInRight"> <div class="ibox float-e-margins"> <div class="ibox-title"> <p><strong>Topics</strong> </p> <p>Take a look at our topics and see where your talks idea might fit:</p> <ul> <li>How We Built It - Highlighting use cases, challenges, database migrations, and teams building amazing things with MongoDB.</li> <li>Working with Data - Schema design, transactions, aggregations, and everything related to working with data.</li> <li>Scaling - Strategies to scale your data, your performance, your clusters, and application best practices for scaling.</li> <li>Mobile & IoT Development - App architecture, data sync, and robust design patterns for the unique challenges and limitations of Mobile and IoT platforms.</li> <li>Web & Backend Development - Developing web apps, running backend services, using serverless resources, and connecting all of these to MongoDB.</li> <li>Security & Compliance - Database security, encryption, compliance, and how to ensure your data is using the best practices in security.</li> <li>Operations & Tools - MongoDB configuration, automation, analytics, tiered storage, operations strategies, and best practices for managing MongoDB deployments.</li> <li>Make It Matter - Topics like diversity & inclusion, accessible apps, mental health, and other non-technical subjects that are of interest to a technical audience.</li> </ul> <p>Visit <a href= ""></a> for more information and to submit your talk</p> </div> </div> </div>

Today's Hosts

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Shane McAllister

|Lead, Developer Advocacy
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Michael Lynn

|Principal Developer Advocate